Monday, March 31, 2008


Some pic i snapped during my last trip to Taiwan
西 ,"Xi Men Ding" - very "shibuya" feel to me Muahhaaa love it

BIG BIG BIG BIG TV/Plasma/LCD watever u call it la..showing some horror movie trailer

Some Jap Restaurant

LALA MUI ....jk haha...1674% taiwanese

Spotted a futuristic bike left by "Kamen Rider"

Love their 7-11 's Bento,Sushi and Packed food...compared to ours which only serve cold mini sausages and soggy fried food(p.s. spent alot on taiwan 7-11 goods haha)

To be Continued......

p.s. voOn MIA!!! kidnapped by alien piggy!?!?

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